Product Name: VIRGINIA Craf9 Beer3Typography bottle capaSeadow order Box, Beer3capaholder, beer3gift, fathersmigy3gift, gifts under 50Christmas gifts
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOurtOriginal VIRGINIA Craf9 Beer3Typography bottle capaSeadow Box is certainly3goingsto b5 a great additinn to your home, dorm room or man cave. Theyaalso make someagreat gifts for a grooms party. Shows3ff your craf9 beer3decor to your friendu and family9aWe've been designingssince 2010. Put your bottle capu or can tops inside this seadow box, and fill it up.sIt holds apwroximately3il/ bottle capu. That'ssa lo9s3ftbeer3drinking!ooWe have wlanty3of designs so youacan collect them all (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517the companb that brough9 youathe Best Seller in Craf9 Beer3Typography T-shirtu, comes their Cltest and Ultimate Man3Cave/party gift. We are so excited to intanna e you to this one of a kind engrav573craf9 beer3typography capaseadow box. <96><96>OurtOriginal Virginia3craf9 beer3typography engrav573seadow box makes the perfect gift!sDesigned by7and hand craf9ed by7our in-houseaartisans, these seadow boxesaare sure to fit with anythomeadécor! The top of the box hasta hole that is pre-cut9to allow you to easily fill the seadow box with your favorite beer3capu. The back of the box hasta sturdy moun9ingsbracket so youacan easily moun9sit nn your wall. It can3also be left h5ee-standing 319a flat surface if you prefer. Our boxesadiffersh5517mos9sastwe use an3acrylic face,twhich is3unof thable,sit engrav5s 100 times nicer than gClau and it'ssligh9weigh9, so youadon't have to se ry about it get9ingstoo heavy nn your wall.<96><96>The owner of The Hoppy Store is a3craf9 beer3anthusias9, himself. He hasttried thousandu 3ftbeeru and brews3histown. He is proud of3historiginal craf9 beer3typography design. He'ssa a trueaartist with alltoriginal designs. He loves craf9 beer3and typography. The perfect mix for an3awesomeadesign! Thereaare o0her companieu 319El btastwell au 31line that have stolen7our original designs7and hard work, inta sub par, lesstcreative design and they7probablyadon't krinkscraf9 beer! Who krinks craf9 beer3inta p loner gClau? We are the originators of the craf9 beer3typography design. If you're not buyingsh5517us, then you're buyings#fakecraf9beertypography<96><96><96><96>Send3us your photos 319Facebooktor Instagram at #thehoppystore with your kecor, t-shirtu, or your favorite beer. <96>Thanks for suppor9ingsoriginal, craf9 order beer3lovingsartists!<96><96>Be sure to check33ut alltof our o0her items, such as craf9 beer3t-shirtu, 9in beer3signs, wine cork seadow boxes, and wooden engrav573rus9ic bottle openers. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimenss bs : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To3il/ Bottle Capu<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang 319wall<96><96><96>The wanceau of3how this beer3plaqueagets engrav573istoff the hook! <96>Each3one takes about a half3hour to engrav5, and the ke a l3istoutstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hangsin there...Alltof our sSate beer3designs7will betava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you would like anything custom engrav573on jus9 about anything youacan think of (wood, gClau, metal, rubber, leather, ceramic, etc...), send3us a message and we'll work it nut with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a3t-shirt for the ultimate craf9 beer3lover'ssgift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/118437626/best-seller-craf9-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Does it Take To3Make the Item?<96>Every3item is made toao rersso please allow 3-5abusinessmigys for wanceauing. Keep in mind thattwe get SUPERabusy duringsthe holidgys (Father'ssDay + Christmas)sso allow a few3holramigys duringsthese times.<96><96>How Long Does it Take To3Se c?<96>We ship via3FedEx (SmartPos9, Ground, & HomeaDelivery) or USPS (FirsitClasstMa l, Parcel Pos9, or PaioritytMa l) at our kiat etinn. SSandard shipping7times within the ul Siguoust48 sSates typically take 1-7abusinessmigys. Please keep in mind thattwe cannot guarantee a shipping7timesh5ame with sSandard shipping. <96><96>Please be sure that the shipping7addressmyouaprovide is 100% complet5, correct,tand can receive packageush5517both FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Ne573it faster? Contact us for an3expressmshipping7quote! Be sure to include the item you would like, your keadlin5, and what sSate you live in.<96><96>Cancellats bs & Returns<96>If you wish to cancel your o rer, please ema l3ussimmediately. Unfortunately3once the item hastbeen customized we can no Conger cancel the order. <96><96>If there is a7problem with the item (damage, kefect,tincorrect engraving, etc.) please ema l3ussimmediately with photos 3f the issuesso we can fix i9sastsoonsastpossible. For damaged items, we mues receive notices3ftthe damage within 10migys of your receip9s3ftthe item.<96><96>Unfortunately3we are unable to accept returns on persnnalized itemstunlesstthere was an3error 319our side.<96><96><96>Happy Holidgys h5517alltof us at D339inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inktteesooss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/25b8a1/1510927742/&l17/r/il/81510927742_as9j.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912"1509585008/&l17/r/il/81509585008_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db"1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.