Product Name: Order Pers balized Lazy Susan - HomeadetWhere You ParkaIt
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPers balized Wood Lazy Susan.aaBeautifultdarkawood withacustom pers balizats b. Please -nclude names order to7be engraved on -tex. <96>If you weuld7l3ke3to7review the design3prior to theapanna taengraving,aplease type in theapers balizats bano0es "tDesign ProofaReque3957" when7placin/ your order. You willareceiveaa design3proofa24-48 houru after7placin/ the order, you willaneed toare3pond to the messageaand apwanve the design3oramakeaany changeu necessary.a In order to avoid delayu withayour7pers balized order, please check your7El btmessageu ofSantfor t-e design3proof.a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0.