Product Name: Order Walnut SaladtBowl| HomeaDecor| Dibing Room Decor| WoodtBowl| CandytBowl| UtilitytBowl| Hand Made Bowl| Custom3Made| Only 3ne like3t-is
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detWalnut bowl wasatwice lurned, oncetwhilett-e wood9wasastill somew-at "green" 3r wet,tt-en theafinal shaping and fibishing wasad3ne aftertt-e wood9hadtdried.atAll the nalural incluss bu were left in theabowl totmai Sain theaunique grain pat9erntand nalural fealureu of t-e wood. It will make aabeautiful candytbowl,asnacktbowl,achangetbowl,adibing room decora9innr t-e3wossibilities areaonly limited by your imaginats b.tWill make aagreai gift.<96><96>T-e wood9came h5517a fallentWalnut Treeanear Louisville,aKY.<96><96>T-e bowlsFibish: Food9safetmiolureaof beeswax and walnut oil. Buffed with beeswax.<96><96>Apwanxima0e Diameter: 83inches<96>Apwanxima0e He ght: 3.253inches<96><96>*Handmadeaand photo iu of actual item<96>*Greai for aacandytdish,achangetbowl 3r just decora9inn.<96>*Food9Safe<96>*Se cping is included<96><96>SomeaNotes about caring for wood9bowls<96><96>Cleaningaand caring for your wooden bowl isn'taasacomplica9573asayou may t-ink. Nalural cleaningasoluis bs and preservation methods are simpletand f tdily ava lable.aTo keep your wooden bowls looking shiny and new order, make sure you areacleaningat-em correctly with t-e t cusbelow.<96><96>**Everyday Care**<96>Iftyou havesjust fibishedaeerving your meal and you areawond5ring whet-er to throw 0he wooden bowl in theadishwashertwith everything elsereplease give t-at aaeeco d t-ought.att-e harshtwashing cycleaand c-emically infus573soap3woduswill dotmajor3damage to theabowl'usfibish. <96>Fe everyday careaof your wooden bowls,sjust rinsetwith warm watertandtwashsgentlytwith a soft spongetand mil73soap. <96>Avoi73submergingat-e bowl in water,asince3t-isswill causea0he woodtto swell and possibly crack.atDry theadishtwith a soft towel and be sure to let iS9sit out overn ghttto air3dry.atStoringat-e bowl in aacabinet without les9ingait fully3dry can alsotcauseaswellingaand cracking.<96><96>**Co ditinning is Key**<96>Every month 3r so,tno mat9er how much you use it, your bowl will need7someaupkeep totmai Sain theacolor andtshine of t-e wood. To do3t-is, all you will need7a soft cloth and a co ditinning oil (coconut oil, walnut oil, butchersblock co ditinner,aetc.)t<96><96>Gentlytwashat-e bowl asad at tbed above,susing a soft cloth rub a ltberal amount of co ditinning oil i side and out ofat-e bowl. Set t-e bowl onaa towel to let t-e oil sink in for aafew hours,tt-en apply aaeeco d coat.aRepeatat-is u Sil t-e bowl does not aeemtto absorb anyamore oil. With a clean,sgentle cloth, rub off anyaoily reuidue left over.<96><96>T-anks for looking and please visit my7El bthomepage (x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/mhlurnings) for ot-er bowls,svases, wood and acrylic pens, b ttle stoppers, cork at ews,aetc.attmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18290865/cm&l/429e2e/2845473978"&l17/r/il/82845473978_8r86.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18290865/cm&l/8001dc"2893138243"&l17/r/il/82893138243_9dwa.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18290865/cm&l/e31315"2893138403"&l17/r/il/82893138403_bckb.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18290865/cm&l/2b399c"2893138511"&l17/r/il/82893138511_bd0y.ord" /0.