Product Name: Order Oils of the Bible-Aloes (Sandalwood)
I SHIP FREE Wondering why the cactus-like plant is here? Merriam-Webster has a similar thought, by highlighting aloe first as the tropical plant with a healing gel. But then, the bigger picture emerges: plural:the fragrant wood of an East Indian tree of the mezereon family When the Bible refers to aloes, it's the aromatic extract of a tree's heartwood, used for healing and especially embalming. The Bible lists aloes: A symbol of abundance and provision (Numbers 24:6) A perfume (Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17) An incense (Song of Solomon 4:14) Burial order ointment for Christ (John 19:39) While some claim that aloes or aloewood are the same as sacred sandalwood, the direct connection –A. agallocha –has a powerful healing oil component itself. Used as an incense and cosmetic oil, aloewood (or eaglewood or agarwood) is known for its benefits as a stimulant and cardiac tonic and can even have some digestive wellness benefits, too! Casey's Stephi's Specials Young Living Essential Oils.